AI Tech Textile Sorting
New Retex Collab
In 2023 we started the collaboration with New Retex, the technological textile sorting facility in Bjerringbro, Denmark, to find solutions on how to sort and spin new yarns from post-consumer waste. In a revolutionary setup, we have started the journey as the first company in Denmark to launch products on the market, that has a composition consisting of New Retex yarns made partly from Danish Houldehold textile waste.
This could be your old tee
These products could in fact be your old t-shirt or sweatshirt which you deposited in the landfill or threw away in textile waste in 2022 or 2023.
The small spots in the fabric is actually old textiles from your household made into new yarns. We think that is quite amazing and in the future the composition will consists of more post-consumer waste as the technology gets even better.
All GOTS certified products are PFAS free and free from pesticides and other hormonel interuptors.