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Outdoor Lab

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The Outdoor Lab

Outdoor Learning Articles

Water column pressure & repellancy

How to find the best outdoor jacket for your next adventure? Do I need 5.000 mm. or even 30.000 mm. in water column pressure? What does water column pressure mean and much more.

Learn about WCP
Recco Rescue Technology

Seen on alpine adventurers and skiiers all over the world, but is it only for alpine use or is Recco a technology for much more? In this article, we will find out more about the well-known brand.

Learn about Recco
Layering & Breathability

How to layer up perfectly? What does it mean to layer up and how do I do it properly, so that my next trip will be just as comfortable as I imagine it? Find out here in this article.

Learn Layering & Breathability
Theme: A responsible outdoor wardrobe

How to build up your wardrobe in a responsible way and what to look for if you want to take action on better products for the environment?

Theme reading
Shell Jackets

Read on about the environmentally disastrous, but outdoor needy shell jackets and comprehend how to use them properly.

Shell Jackets
Grid Performance

We depend on grid performance, but why is these isolating channels so important to us?

Coming soon

We are not perfect. But we are perfectionists.

Being an outdoor brand requires experience and knowledge on quite unique things, but we are not perfect. But we are perfectionists.

We try to gain more knowledge every day and fortunately all of us in Superstainable have everyday tasksBut you can find out much more about our team & founders below.