CSR & Code of Conduct
CSR & Code of Conduct
Superstainable has always being about about finding the best available methods in the textile industry. Our name requires deep attention to the very fact that we are working in a quite dirty business.
We think differently at Superstainable and through our certification we comply to the EU regulatives for the future goals.
Our strategic goals and ambitions at the moment are:
Let's do a breakdown of each strategic goal, to find out how we are working.
- And not cheating to get there.
Carbon emission is tricky
We already have collected the data for scope 1 & 2 and are working on the scope 3 at the moment. You can obtain to be carbon neutral by simply buying climate credits, but this doesn't match our philopohy. That is why we are working closely with our manufacturers to improve the facilities along with the growth of our company, supporting the use of solar panels, LED lights and waste water reduction.
We already have the waste water reduction solved through the certifications which requires a setup for water consumption & reduction.
By 2025 we intend to make solar panels at our HQ in Silkeborg to support the initiaves we are making abroad. We have already changed all light in our building to LED lights and we have a no petrol/diesel car policy in our company.
We only use water transportion on long shipping journeys and we only use trucks within the EU / European border due to it's lower carbon emission than planes.
We are making our products abroad in eastern countries, which makes the most sense for us, since the carbon emission making shell jackets, pile fleece and much more is significantly higher. We are also making our products abroad, since the very manufacturering of the products are technically better and since we are company very keen on making quality outdoor wear we are compromising the ways to do it.
Our scope calculations will be visible in a nearby future.
We intend to make a detailed CSR report with all collected data, eventhough it is not mandatory for us a small company be the end of 2024. At the moment you will all of data on all of our responsibility initiatives on these sites.
We already have a social economic project, the SuperCare, which we have as a key part of our business in the future.
The SuperCare is an extended lifetime service on the products from Superstainable, so that you can get your outdoor wear repaired as it gets used over time.
We are working on take-back solution for the future, but are not ready to launch any initiatives on this yet.
In 2023 we are launching our first product made entirely from shredded fabrics of danish textile waste. This is a major turning point for us as a textile producer, since we at the moment only are able to use pre-consumer waste for the production of our goods.
No - we do not use ocean plastic for our products. This is a common misunderstanding in the textile industry and it is not possible to make products entirely made out of ocean plastic and landfill plastic since the sun, saltwater and sand has been destroying the plastic to much to make it usable for any products.
More initiatives on bio diversity. In 2023 we laucnhed our comitted with the Wild Nature Foundation supporting their work for biodiversity with a stunning 20% of the revenue on the products comitted to them.
In 2021 and 2022 we supported through our EcoTree International ApS partnership the forestation of several areas in Denmark (Kalundborg and Thy). This was made trough a made-to-order concept to not make an overproduction of the tee's that supported the forestation.
In 2023 we launched the concept in our retailers with the official tee generating profit to EcoTree for making even more forested areas in Denmark.